삼광 삼광

Recruitment Of Human Resources

The company waits for a future leader who knows how to prepare for tomorrow

Core Value
All members of Samkwang share the same value
  • Customer Centered

    The customer is our starting point and destination.

    All of our processes, our products, start from the customer's point of view.
    We focus all our passion and capabilities on delivering better quality and
    newer products to our customers.
    We adjust to accommodate our customers' needs,
    even if it is what our change is required if it is in accordance with their interests.
  • Technology orientation

    Technology is our compass.

    We focus all our capabilities on developing new technologies, believing that
    it is our calling to provide what is needed to pursue happiness for people
    around the world as original and creative technologies.
  • Human resource management

    People are the driving force to get to their destination.

    Through our ability-driven HR policies, we offer unlimited opportunities
    for anyone with blood ties, delays, non-academic beliefs and enthusiasm,
    and the ability to match the company's core values, and at any time at the center of the organization.
    We do our best in our role and growth, leaders are dedicated to fostering
    talent and creating performance, and management practices responsible
    management with a sense of mission.